..its midnight and I am wide awake, I can't seem to get my sleep....am sad for no apparent reason or maybe I m missing Akash....its my 9th month now & it has its own challenges:
I don't like to sleep alone
I seem to have a weak heart
Need assistance while getting up from my bed as my right leg sort of gives away
Frequent nightmares, if at all I fall asleep
& obviously my persistent problem, frequent trips to WC.
It was fine till mid 8th month but now as the time is progressing and my weight is increasing, I seem to be lagging behind in terms to my daily activities...that's the reason I feel lonely even though I have people around me...but I still miss Akash....
Apart from this sad story....the good thing is that few more weeks to go and I ll be holding a bundle of joy in my arms that will make this sad part to forget forever with his innate charm :)
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