Budget Diaries - Bye bye Maid
(Project Cleaning the house without a Maid)
I have always made a list of things, penned down the ways I can smartly manage my home budget, cut down the unnecessary expenses and run the house efficiently, in spite of all the analysis, I have always ended up spending more and that too many times on trivial things. And now New Year has again pushed me to not just dot the I’s and cross the T's but to actual take steps in the right direction and get some tangible results.
So to begin with my first smart move (although Akash is not convinced that this is a smart move because he thinks it is fugacious, that I won't be able to keep up with it and I am exhausting myself physically) was to bid farewell to my maid, who was with me since 1 1/2 year! I was not really happy with her work and was constantly annoyed the way she did stuff around the house, it seemed she used to gambol round the room rather than cleaning, there was no probity in her demeanour, that's why instead to getting annoyed and sabotaging my mental peace I said ¡Adios! to her.
I will be saving some money and cleaning more efficiently off course! That was the first move....and I am really really happy, and as of now my spirit is indefatigable!
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